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Fix Computer Errors

How can you fix computer error yourself?

Every Microsoft Window Operating System has its own registry. With this registry in our PC, anybody can repair their computer themselves. This includes fixing error codes, meassages or the system.

How does this work?

Our free scanner allows you to scan for invalid registry entries that might be causing your PC issues. The software will inform you of where the errors exist, and what potential errors they might cause.

Error Fix will scan for errors related to ActiveX controls, DLL issues, Windows explorer errors, Windows installer issues and more......such as

-Clean your registry and fix the problems that cause errors.
-Organize and remove startup programs that make your computer slow to start up.
-Remove detected registry errors manually or automatically.
-Increase your PC's Bootup speed by up to 70 percent!
-Update Critical Microsoft® Windows™ components as well as popular software such as Java™, Javascript™, Adobe®, Internet Explorer™, and others.
-Back up your Registry automatically and securely.
-Clean out junk data, redundant files, invalid shortcuts and outdated help files.
-Rectify Runtime Errors and Windows Startup Errors.
-Excise Corrupted DLL files.
-Eliminate IExplorer Errors.
-Correct File Path Errors and "Item Cannot be Found" Errors

Let us help you by Start Scanning your system for free and detect errors to get fix